Responsible for ensuring the smooth running of UNIVERSITAS
General Management

Professor(emeritus professor) of Public International Law and International Relations at the University of Jaén, Jean Monnet Chair in Institutions and Law of the European Union (1997-2017).
International Director Emeritus of the Network of Latin American and Caribbean Universities working on technology, policy and law of outer space (ReLaCa-Espacio).
Honorary Professor of the International University of Andalusia (UNIA), former Dean of the Faculty of Social and Legal Sciences, former Vice-Rector of Institutional and International Relations of the University of Jaén.
Member and Secretary of the Court of Arbitration (International Law Section) of the Bar Association of Jaén.
Academic Coordination

Journalist with a degree in Information Sciences from the University of Navarra and a PhD in Anthropology from the University of Granada. Editor and contributor to the newspaper “Ideal” of Granada, where she writes a weekly opinion column.
He has performed various professional tasks in the written press and communications departments of several institutions. From 2004 to 2013, she has performed teaching duties as Academic Director and Professor of Journalism and Audiovisual Communication at the Escuela Superior de Comunicación Granada (ESCO).
She is the author of The colonization of the Imaginary. Images of Africa (University of Granada, 2003) subject of his doctoral thesis. He has also published works on philosophy: The Friends of Plato ( 2015), The First Philosophers (2017) and The Caravans of Ideas between East and West (2021).
Council Academic
Responsible for the Studies Area
of Health

MBBS from the University of Granada, Spain. PhD in Medicine and Surgery from the Complutense University of Madrid, Spain (1989).
From 1972 to 1975 he completed a number of postgraduate courses in Paris on Acupunture, Phytotherapy, Homeopathy, and Spinal Manipulation.
Director y Profesor de los Cursos de Laserterapia organizados por la Escuela Europea de Laserterapia, en colaboración con la Sociedad Española de Laserterapia, con la European Society of Lasertherapy. Membre Fondateur de la Association Medicale International des Soft- Laser. (A.M.I. SOFT-LASERS) (1980). Member of the Scientific Committee and Director of the 2nd National Phytotherapy Conference (Spain, 1988). Member of the Spanish Acupuncture Society (1973).
Founder and International Director of the Serapis Centre for New Medicine (1981). Member of “The Acupuncture Foundation” of Sri Lanka (1981).
Head of the Legal Studies Area

Law degree from the University of Granada. D. in Law from the University of Jaén. Practicing attorney. Member of the Bar Associations of Granada and Madrid. In possession of the title of Administrative Manager and Free Insurance Agent. MBA from the Escuela de Negocios de Andalucía 1990-91.
Insolvency Administrator and Data Protection Officer. Member of the Board of Directors of the Money Laundering Prevention Group of the Granada Bar Association. Royal Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation of Granada Award for the best doctoral thesis in private law of the 2020 call.
He has taught courses on Public Speaking and Legal Marketing for several years at the University of Jaén. Professor of the Master of Criminalistics at the International School of Management and the International University of Ecuador. Author of the book La vigencia de la acción de jactancia: análisis doctrinal y jurisprudencial ( 2021).
Head of the Communication Studies Area

Graduated in Engineering-Physics from Moscow University. Subsequently his training has continued as a film director and video editor. He worked as a film director at the Russian State Television Company “Culture”. Since 2000 he has been working for the company “Altair-TV”.
Director and cameraman of documentaries on ancient cultures (Egypt, Peru, Etruscans), European cities (Florence, Rome, Prague), historical figures (Marcus Aurelius, Ludwig of Bavaria). He has participated and won first prize in several international film festivals.
For more than 20 years he has been running an Audiovisual Media Studio dedicated to the study of the art of cinema and visual media.
Head of the Musical Studies Area

Graduated with MA in music (violin and piano) from the Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst in Graz (Austria). As a further specialization, he went on to study a 2-year course entitled “Harmonikale Grundlagenforschung”, covering the History and Science of Harmonics, at the Hans Kayser Institute at the Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst in Vienna. While living in Vienna, he opened a music school that provides holistic education through musical practice.
After moving to London, where he now lives, he completed an MA in Philosophy at Birkbeck College (University of London) in 2007. In 2019 she completed an MA in Psychosynthesis Coaching at the Institute of Institute of Psychosynthesis (accredited by Middlesex University).
His professional life has been dedicated to teaching various subjects (music, languages and philosophy) to both adults and young people in different institutions and levels. Within the educational field, its main objective has always been to support and encourage the inner and outer development of the human being.
Head of the Economic and Business Studies Area

Graduated in Electrical Engineering from the University of Brasilia in 1974. Coordinated the implementation of the first digital switching centers in Brazil. He worked in the area of government relations and collaborated in the evolution of Brazilian telecommunications legislation.
He headed the commercial department of the national telecommunications holding company, responsible, at that time, for more than 30 companies. Currently, he teaches philosophy and is invited to give courses and lectures in universities, public and private organizations in the area of human formation.
Head of the Mathematics and Natural Sciences Area of Studies

Degree in Engineering Physics from the University of Zagreb, Croatia (1985). Specialized in biomedical physics(MPhys Physics with Biomedical Physics). Master’s degree in biomedical physics.
Biophysical specialization 1987-1991 at the physics faculty of Moscow State University, where he conducts research on photosynthesis. Teaching experience: high school physics course 1985-1986.
Head of the Area of Artistic Studies

He has been a professor at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador in the Faculty of Architecture and the Faculty of Design and Arts. In the latter he has taught Oriental Thought and Art, Architecture in Greece, Art and Architecture in Ancient Egypt, Sacred Architecture, Feng Shui, Art and Architecture in the Renaissance and Urbanism and Architecture in Rome.
Responsible for the Human Sciences Studies Area

BA in Art History and Philosophy from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) in Argentina. Master in the Diploma of the School of Anthropology of Paris in France. He has produced the documentary series “Architecture and Sacred Geography”, from 1978 to 1985 on the television channel FR3. From 1980 to 2005, he directed the Religious Anthropology module at the School of Anthropology of Paris and collaborated in the elaboration of the “Treatise on the Anthropology of the Sacred”, under the direction of Julien Ries.
He has collaborated in 2013 in the colloquium “The odyssey of dialectics from Plato to today”, organized by the Hermes International Institute. From 1986 to 2020, he has advised numerous companies on the impact of culture on the behavior of individuals in a community. From a business approach through bio-cultural and business anthropology.
Support Technician
Technical Director

Degree in computer engineering from the University of Granada, Spain. He specializes in virtualization technologies, cybersecurity and full-stack development of web solutions.
Founder and CEO of several companies focused on providing technological solutions for public administrations and companies. He currently combines his CEO activity with consulting in the field of information technology for various public and private organizations.
Development of the server and IT platform

PhD in Telecommunications Engineering from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya and Master in Theoretical and Practical Philosophy, specializing in Logic, History and Philosophy of Science.
He has taught at the Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya (Spain), Université de Bourgogne (Dijon-France) and Tongji University (Shanghai-China).
Researcher specialized in the microelectronic implementation of bio-inspired neural networks.
Digital Marketing and Customer Service

Degree in Advertising and Marketing from Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing (ESPM) in Porto Alegre (BR).
Specialist in Digital Marketing with more than 15 years of experience collaborating with companies and institutions from different sectors and with various challenges in digital communication.